Saturday, February 26, 2011

Pond Skimming!

Last night we went and watched an event here they call Pond Skimming. Basically crazy people dress up in costumes and use either skiis, snowboard or sled and go down a hill and try to make it across this long pool of water. It was pretty funny to watch, but it did get pretty cold.. especially after getting splashed with water. I couldnt imagine how cold it would be after actually going in the water!

Here is one video I took at the pond skimming for this year. There were about 100 people total who went down the hill. Some crashed before even getting to the bottom, some made is halfway across or just barely into the water and some actually made it all the way across. Luckily there were no major injuries. Here are a couple other videos.. These one have better costumes. 

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