Saturday, February 19, 2011

Missionary Letters

So far I have been so lucky to hear from Peter on a regular basis. I love hearing about how he is doing and everything going on. It just makes my week whenever I get a letter, I am just so excited to read what he has to say(: If you are interested take a look at his blog Also he has encouraged me to set up an account on (I haven't yet but will soon!) please feel free to take a look at this site if you are interested in learning more about the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints or if you are a member please join and share your testimony. It is a very useful tool for Missionaries and is a great way to learn more about the church


Christy said...

Wow, I am impressed. He is not exactly known for his letter writing!! He must like you a whole bunch!! I am glad he gets to share these experiences with you and I hope you are writing him as much too!! He needs the support!

Ashlee Reese said...

Ya i have been pretty surprised, but he has been pretty good about writing(: Which makes me happy. At first I wasnt sure what to expect because i realize he usually isnt much of a writer. oh and I am writing him too(: I am so glad he is able to share these experiences with me too! its wonderful. It is so great that he has such a supportive family! You guys are amazing.